May 5, 2024
Characters from “Succession” as Members of an Improv Team

Characters from “Succession” as Members of an Improv Team

Kendall Roy

Considers himself an improv visionary. Fired one coach who gave him the note “People don’t understand what you’re doing.” Tries to control group scenes but gets visibly frustrated because no one ever acts how he wants them to. Often calls the woman in the scene a “bitch,” but thinks he’s doing it in an ironic way. Makes his assistant, Jess, tape every show, and then has her e-mail the large video files to Rava and the kids.

Commits fully to his characters, once to the point where he started crying real tears, making everyone extremely uncomfortable. Very good at playing his own initiated premises, but shuts down when his scene partner’s choice surprises him. Makes the effort to put the team on a group text but thinks that means he is the de-facto leader. Will do a line of coke before shows.

  • Go-to move: Labelling himself a rapper out of nowhere.
  • Go-to initiation: Starting group scenes by going, “What’s up, cucks?”

Roman Roy

Has solid comedic instincts but often chooses problematic settings, such as a brothel or Nazi Germany. At this point, everyone is resigned to him calling a woman a “bitch” in scenes. Rarely initiates and only joins scenes initiated by Gerri. Otherwise, spends most of the show smirking on the backline. Does not commit to the scene unless his character is jerking off.

Hundreds of complaints have been filed against him, with no action taken until he was finally banned from the theatre in 2017 for saying the F-slur during a show. Roman would’ve thrived in the improv world if he had been around in 2004.

  • Go-to move: Always names characters “Frank” or “Karl.”
  • Go-to initiation: “Thanks—your money is on the bedside table.”

Shiv Roy

Makes crude jokes and goes even harder than Roman to prove that she’s one of the guys. Conflates being mean with being funny. Often comes out playing an aggro dude. Not naturally the funniest, but understands what the right move is for every scene. Although she’s good, she thinks that she’s way better than she is. Frequently gives notes to scene partners after the show. Will always argue with constructive criticism she receives from the coach.

Talks shit about other women who do improv but claims it’s because she’s just being honest. Prefers being the only woman on an all-male team, although would never admit that. Makes a stink face any time Gerri gets a big laugh.

  • Memorable moment: After Roman called Shiv a “bitch” onstage, she heightened the game by calling another woman the C-word, making the audience very uncomfortable.

Connor Roy

Nightmare improviser who never listens. When he initiates, no one steps out, until Gerri finally does. Every once in a blue moon, he will get a laugh but won’t know why because he rarely understands what’s happening. Does late-scene walk-ons that add completely new information when the scene has already gone on way too long. What he thinks is funny about the scene is often out of touch and élitist, such as the time he thought that the comedic premise was his scene partner being excited about flying first class.

Forces Willa to come to every show but makes no effort to make her feel included. At the bar hang after, when everyone analyzes every scene, he does bits, and obsesses over the upcoming house-team auditions. Willa has given up trying to ingratiate herself with them and now just works on a new play on her phone.

  • Go-to initiation: Introducing himself as the “president of the world.”
  • Fun fact: Connor Roy was interested in improv from a very young age.

Logan Roy

Longest-standing house-team member at the theatre. Has survived hundreds of performer cuts, including one where everyone on his team was cut except for him. Improviser with a very strong point of view (usually some version of “fuck off”). Will initiate over his scene partner if he thinks he has a better idea. Refuses to get tagged out of a scene.

Has never broken onstage, although he once cracked a slight smile when Shiv called Roman a “pussy.” At a diversity-and-inclusivity panel, told improvisers to stop expecting special treatment and “just do the fucking work.”

  • Memorable moment: Said that he would call the blackout for the show, but then forgot. The tech finally blacked out the show at the hour-and-fifteen-minute mark. Tech was fired shortly thereafter.
  • Favorite warmup: Boar on the Floor.

Gerri Kellman

The ultimate utility player. Shines at establishing base reality and is a game machine, although sometimes her moves are so subtle that they’re missed entirely. Not the flashiest player, but surprisingly adept at throwing a “yo mama” joke into a scene, and it works.

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