May 26, 2024
Elon Musk Says Rocket Exploded Because It Insisted on Working Remotely

Elon Musk Says Rocket Exploded Because It Insisted on Working Remotely

HAWTHORNE, CA (The Borowitz Report)—One day after SpaceX’s first test flight of its Starship craft, Elon Musk claimed that the rocket exploded in midair because it insisted on working remotely.

“Starship was performing perfectly well when it was on the launchpad,” Musk said. “The trouble began when it left.”

“I urged Starship against working remotely, but it insisted,” he added. “Well, who was right?”

The SpaceX C.E.O. said that Starship’s misadventure should be a lesson to all those employees who insist on working from home.

“If you work remotely, you, too, will explode,” he warned.

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