After suffering a devastating pregnancy loss two years ago, Teigen, now pregnant again, tweeted about how she's feeling."I finally feel...
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the cookbook author and entrepreneur spoke about that experience on Thursday at social impact agency...
"We have another one on the way," she wrote in a post on her Instagram account showing off her baby...
"It's pretty cool," Teigen wrote in an Instagram post Wednesday, adding that she has "endless energy" and "way less anxiety."She...
Teigen and her husband, singer John Legend, have been close friends with Kardashian and Kanye West whom she filed for...
In an Instagram Story this week, Teigen showed off her cheekbones, saying, "I did that Dr. Diamond buccal fat removal...
"Today is my 50 day sobriety streak!," she wrote in a caption on a video of her kids interrupting her...
"Today is my 50 day sobriety streak!," she wrote in a caption on a video of her kids interrupting her...
The model turned TV personality shared on Instagram on Thursday that the 10-year-old French bulldog ,which she shares with husband...
The model turned TV personality shared on Instagram on Thursday that the 10-year-old French bulldog ,which she shares with husband...