May 5, 2024
Meet the Only Sustainable Clothing Company That Upcycles Your Old Clothes and Sells Them Back to You

Meet the Only Sustainable Clothing Company That Upcycles Your Old Clothes and Sells Them Back to You

Introducing YourGarment®, a sustainable clothing company that operates on the principle of E.F.W.B.

Advertisement for sustainable clothing company.

Scroll through to explore our process for upcycling your clothes into YourGarment®, and start your journey toward #BuyingYourClothesBack.

Step one: Your wardrobe begins transforming into YourGarment® the moment you pack your gently worn clothes into our branded, microchipped bags and #DumpThemInALandfill.

Truck for sustainable clothing company.

Step two: Our eighteen-wheel trucks #SnagYourBag and haul it through previously untouched Alaskan wilderness to our YourGarment® factory. #GoingWhereNoGarmentHasGoneBefore

Step three: We dissolve the synthetic fabric of your non-sustainable clothes in a vat of mildly toxic waste, transforming them into ash and returning them to the dirt of Mommy Earth. Then, we build YourGarment® from the ground up, thread by organic-cotton thread. Feeling sexy yet? #SexUpYourPlanet

A cocktail and a candle.

Step four: Now it’s time to add some color! We lay YourGarment® in a peaceful meadow and douse it with buckets upon buckets of faux-ganic dye. To wash away the excess pigment, we’ve partnered with #VossWater. Plus, all of the delicious #VossWater runoff is donated to protected marine ecosystems! #YourGarmentGivesBack #DolphinPower #GirlVoss

Two people's hands holding a Voss water bottle.

Step five: To insure that this process does not result in your clothing being unwearable around your pets, each new item is given to a domesticated dog, whose reaction is studied. If the dog rejects the piece, then so do we. Only the best for you and your dogs! #PuppiesForThePlanet #StrongerTogether #OnlyTheStrongSurvive

Step six: We wrap each YourGarment® in fifteen per cent recycled tissue paper and overnight it to you at the convenient flat rate of $32.35. And you know we’ll throw an extra #VossWater in there!

Person carrying a thin tote bag in an advertisement for a sustainable clothing company.

And that’s YourGarment®! When you need to dispose of YourGarment® to keep up with next season’s trends, just request another branded, microchipped bag using our app! #HereWeGoAgain

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