May 4, 2024
Video: Meek Mill and Michael Rubin say children suffer when parents go to prison on unjust technical violations | CNN

Video: Meek Mill and Michael Rubin say children suffer when parents go to prison on unjust technical violations | CNN

Meek Mill and Michael Rubin say children suffer when parents go to prison on unjust technical violations

CNN’s Chloe Melas sits down with REFORM Alliance co-chairs, award-winning musician Meek Mill and Fanatics CEO Michael Rubin, to speak about an event they hosted in Mill’s hometown of Philadelphia to meet with more than 30 children whose lives have been turned upside down by the criminal justice system. These kids, whose parents are in prison for what are known as a technical violations — spent the day with Meek and members of the Philadelphia 76ers and the Eagles as they held a mock draft day complete with its own combine.

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