Hailey Merkt, a former contestant from Season 21 of “The Bachelor,” died on July 26 after a long battle with...
Joan Vassos has been cast as the first-ever “Golden Bachelorette” — roughly a month since the inaugural “Golden Bachelor” Gerry Turner...
ABC has given the green light to a senior citizen version of "The Bachelor" this fall. Source link
From big cities to gorgeous beaches, there's no shortage of fantastic destinations in the U.S. and nearby countries for bachelor...
What do a NASCAR champion, a “Survivor” and a “Bachelor” have in common? By the end of the day —...
CNN's Chloe Melas interviews Jason Tartick about his new book 'The Restart Roadmap.' Source link
You don't need to have seen every episode to know the drill: Hot young singles vie against each other over...
The series notably follows Underwood during the run-up to the "Good Morning America" interview in which he revealed that he's...
Former "Bachelor" contestant Kelley Flanagan posted an emotional video announcing that she was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Source link
According to People, Lindsay talked Tuesday to her "Extra" colleague Billy Bush on their show and said "I wasn't expecting...